Affiliate Program Details
50% Rev-share for life
Make 50% of every sale for surfers that you send my way, plus 50% of every rebill for that surfer. Most of my members rebill several times, and some have been around for over 4 years!
30-Day Cookies
Never lose a sale on a surfer who comes back later to buy. If you send me a surfer, you get credit for the sale up to a month later. Even if that surfer comes back by typing the URL or from an email link.
10% Webmaster Referral
Send a new webmaster to The and earn 10% of every sale that new affiliate makes. I love my affiliates, and I'm always looking for new webmasters to help me promote my site :)
On-Time Payments with CCBill
I manage my payments through the world's largest adult billing company because I care about my affiliates and my surfers.